InsightIDR Feature

Deception Technology

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You could slow them down, but let’s just stop them cold

XDR that over-indexes on endpoints or a h和ful of event sources create pores in the environment. You can miss activity that signals something nefarious in play. Attackers can slip by. InsightIDR’s easy-to-deploy deception suite lets you create more traps 和 pitfalls: “粘蜜罐”, 亲爱的用户, honey credentials, 和 honey files - all crafted to identify malicious behavior earlier in the attack chain.

Deception Technology
Deception Technology

Deploy 和 manage intruder traps easily

InsightIDR has four types of intruder traps—“粘蜜罐”, 亲爱的用户, honey credentials, 和 honey files—that are quick to set up 和 I’m informed by our continuous attacker research. The intruder traps were built based on Rapid7’s extensive knowledge of attacker behavior.

Catch the use of stolen credentials

InsightIDR not only provides real-time endpoint detection, but also injects fake honey credentials on your endpoints to deceive attackers. If this credential is used anywhere else on the network, such as with pass-the-hash, you’ll be automatically alerted.

Gain file-level visibility

Exfiltration can be difficult to detect. With InsightIDR, you can specify a honey file in a critical directory. All actions taken on this file are monitored, giving you file-level visibility without the effort of deploying a st和alone File Integrity Monitoring solution.

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